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Memorial Page
Laurel Hill Cemetery is a nonprofit cemetery. As such, after expenses, all money generated by sales and services are reinvested into the cemetery. We offer a variety of products and services that can help you with your memorial needs.
Bronze Memorials: We carry a full line of Matthews Memorials. Memorials are available with or without a vase. We can also match the style, of government issued bronze memorials. Contact us for details.
Holiday Flowers: Are you too far away to place flowers for a holiday or special day. Flowers range from mums in the cooler weather to geraniums in the summer months. Cut flowers are available upon request. Call for availability and pricing.
Christmas Wreaths: Can’t get to the cemetery? You can place a wreath on any grave. Just provide us with the name. Call for wreath pricing and availability.
Stone Cleaning: We offer stone cleaning of all granite memorials. Our technique can make an old granite memorial look new. Call for pricing which varies with the size and type of memorial.
Endowments: Laurel Hill Cemetery offers endowments involved in taking care of grave(s). Perpetual care covers only the annual grass cutting, reseeding, settling, leveling and alignment of the memorial. Endowments can cover stone cleaning and flowers for the holidays. This is a great idea for people who live out of the area. If you are thinking about an endowment contact us today for more information.
Memorial Benches: You can have a beautiful granite bench erected in memory of a loved one while providing a place for quiet reflection and prayer. Laurel Hill Cemetery will work with you to find a mutually agreeable location.